12 September 1999 in Lawrence Joel Coliseum, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (5,000)


The Filthy Animals – The Dead Pool = W-L (Shooting Star Press)

Kaz Hayashi – CW Lenny Lane = L-W (Memory Lane)

The Revolution – The First Family = L-W (No Laughing Matter) No DQ-match.

Saturn – TV “Dog Face Gremlin”Rick Steiner = L-W (Steiner Bulldog)

Hacksaw Jim Duggan – Berlyn = L-W (Hangman’s Neckbreaker)

Harlem Heat – WCW West Texas Rednecks = W-L (Missile Drop kick) NEW TAG CHAMPS.

US “Crippler”Chris Benoit – Sid Vicious = L-W (Powerbomb) NEW US CHAMP.

Goldberg – Diamond Dallas Page = W-L (Jackhammer)

WCW Hulk Hogan – Sting = L-W (Scorpion Deathlock) NEW WCW CHAMP.


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