17 September 2000 in HSBC Arena, Buffalo, New York


The Kwee-Wee – CW “Prime Time”Elix Skipper = L-W (Overdrive)

The MIA – The 3 Count = W-L (Whiplash)

The KroniK – The Harris Brothers = L-W  First Blood Chain-match.

General Rection – US/CAN Lance Storm = L-W (Canadian Maple Leaf)

Shawn Stasiak/Chuck Palumbo/Mike Sanders/Mark Jindrak/Sean O’Haire -

Big Vito/Konnan/The Juice/Rey Mysterio Jr. /DISQO = D-D No Contest.  Elimination-match.

The Franchise/Torrie Wilson - Billy Kidman/Medusa = W-L Pittsburgh Plunge Scaffold-match.

Sting – The Great Muta – Vampiro = Sting won. (Scorpion Death Drop) Three Way Dance-match.

“The Chosen One”Jeff Jarrett – “That 70s Guy”Mike Awesome = L-W Bunkhouse Brawl-match.

Goldberg – “Big Poppa Pump”Scott Steiner = L-W (Iron pipe shot) No Holds Barred-match.

Booker T – WCW Kevin Nash = W-L (The Book End) Caged Heat-match. NEW WCW CHAMP.


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