23 February 1997 in Cow Palace, San Francisco, California (13,324)


CW "Iceman"Dean Malenko - Syxx = L-W (Spinning Leg Lariat)

Psychosis/Juventud Guerrera/Super Calo - Konnan/La Parka/Viano 4 = L-W

TV Prince Iaukea - Rey Mysterio Jr. = W-L (Regal interfered)

Diamond Dallas Page - Buff Bagwell = W-L (Diamond Cutter)

US Eddie Guerrero - Chris Jericho = W-L

Harlem Heat - Public Enemy - Faces of Fear = Public Enemy won.

Jeff Jarrett - Steve"Mongo"McMichael = W-L Winner is a Horseman-match.

"Crippler"Chris Benoit - Taskmaster = W-L San Francisco death-match.

The Giant/Lex Luger - WCW The Outsiders = W-L (Human Torture Rack)

Rowdy Roddy Piper - WCW Hollywood Hulk Hogan = L-W (Legdrop of Doom)


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