Real name: Scott Levy
Previous profiles: Johnny Polo (WWE), Scotty Flamingo (WCW),

Scotty Anthony (Indies) & Scotty The Body (Indies)
Date of Birth: 1964-09-08
Music: Scream (TNA), What about me! (WWE), Evenflow (WCW) &
Come out and play (ECW)

Married: Silena Levy (2007-01)

Birthplace: Short Hills, New Jersey.

Resides: Atlanta, Georgia
Height: 1,82m.
Weight: 103kg.

Title Holds: NWA World Heavyweight champion

WWE Hardcore champion 27 times

WCW United States champion

WCW Tag-Team champion with Saturn

WCW Light Heavyweight champion

ECW World champion 2 times

ECW Tag-Team champion 4 times: 2x Steven Richards,
1x Tommy Dreamer & 1x Mike Awesome

Finishing move: Raven Effect*.
Favorite Quote: "What about Raven?"