Real Name: Kurt Steven Angle

Nicknames: The Olympic Hero & Wrestling Machine

Born: 1968-12-09
Music: My Quest, Medal & I Don’t Suck!

Birthplace: Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania.

Resides: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Height: 1,88m.

Weight: 99kg.

Married: Karen Angle (December 1998 with one child)

Title Holds: TNA World Heavyweight champion

NWA World Heavyweight champion

WWE Heavyweight champion 2 times
WORLD Heavyweight champion 2 times

WWE Intercontinental champion

WCW United States champion

WWE Tag-Team champion with Chris Benoit.

WWE European champion

WWE Hardcore champion

WWE King of the Ring winner 2000

Finishing move: Olympic Slam*/Anklelock**.

Favorite quote: “It’s true! It’s damn true!” (WWE)
“It’s real!
It’s damn real!” (TNA)