Real name: Jeffery Leonard Jarrett

Date of Birth: 1967-07-14
Previous profiles: “King of the Mountain”Jeff Jarrett (TNA), “The
Chosen One”Jeff Jarrett (WCW) &

“Double-J”Jeff Jarrett (WWE)

Music: My World (TNA) & Ain’t I Great (WWE)

Hometown/Lives: Hendersville, Tennessee.

Height: 1,82m.

Weight: 103kg.

Title Holds: NWA World Heavyweight champion 4 times
WCW Heavyweight Champion 4 times

WCW US Champion 2 times

WWE Intercontinental champion 6 times

WWE European champion

WWE Tag-Team champion with Owen Hart

Finishing move: The Stroke*/Figure Four-Leglock**
Favorite quote: “Don’t piss me off!”


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