17 Serptember 1995 i
n Civic Center, Asheville, North Carolina.

 Maek Minh – Big Bubba = L-W (Hubba Bubba Slam)
Jumping Joey Maggs - Disco Inferno = L-W (Spinning Neckbreaker)
The American Males – The Nasty Boys = W-L (Double Dropkick)
The Cobra – Sgt.Craig Pittman = L-W (Code Red)
TV The Renegade – Diamond Dallas Page = L-W (Diamond Cutter) NEW TV CHAMP.
The Harlem Heat – WCW The Studd Stable = W-L  NEW TAG CHAMPS.
“Enforcer”Arn Anderson – “The Nature Boy”Ric Flair = W-L (DDT)


The HulkaManics The Dungeon of Doom
WCW Hulk Hogan
US Sting
"Total Package"Lex Luger
"Macho Man"Randy Savage
The Zodiac
The Shark
Meng"Face of Terror"
Kamala"Ugandan Giant"

The HulkaManiacs vs. The Dungeon of Doom = W-L
(Zodiac submitted to Hulk Hogan)

WCW Hulk Hogan – “Taskmaster”Kevin Sullivan = W-L (Legdrop of Doom)

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