Real name: William Jason Reso
Nickname: Captain Charisma (WWE/TNA) & Instant Classic (TNA)

Previous profiles: Christian (WWE/WCW), The Suicide Blonde (Indies) & The Canadian Rage (Indies)

Date of Birth: 1973-11-30
Music: Take Over (TNA), Just Close Your Eyes (WWE), Captain Charisma (WWE),
At Last (WWE) & Blood Brother (WWE)

Birthplace: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Resides: Tampa, Florida

Height: 1,80m.

Weight: 97kg.

Married: Denise Reso (25 May 2001)

Wrestling Debut: June 1993

Title Holds: NWA World Heavyweight champion 2 times

WWE Intercontinental champion 3 times

WWE European champion

WWE Hardcore champion

WWE Light Heavyweight champion

WORLD Tag-Team champion 9 times: 7x Edge, 1x Lance Storm & 1x Chris Jericho

Finishing move: Un-prettier*/CCT*